This is really good, and Nos. 3-5 are important and really difficult considerations! Like, they require great nuance to avoid the extremes of, say, rushing into AI and automation without thought while also not giving too much sway to reflexive complaining or rejection. I'm freelancing FT these days, so I'm also curious how my type of role will fit into these dynamics.

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Thanks. And your question is a good one. I actually think because we work outside of the traditional corporate setting it gives a perspective to see some of these nuances and complexities in the way that many people traditionally work in knowledge working environments. More specifically to your question, depending on the type of work, and the way that your clients work you may already deal with some form of this today. More philsophically and longer term speaking, if #1 actually happens, there probably is a hierarchy/framework of 1) what is the work that needs to get done 2) who (person, machine, person/machine combo etc) needs to do it 3) if it's a person, who is going to done it (FTE, Contractor, etc etc etc) - Assuming that happens, some companies may start turning on a capability around being able to dyanmically manage talent (FTE's, Part-Times, machines) and match the work that needs to get done with who needs to do it. That is still pretty aspirational but hopefully that draws a direct thru line to how it may impact Freelance work

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